Outfit Details:
Free People Tank, H&M Cardigan, Urban Outfitters Jeans, H&M Sneakers, Forever 21 Hat, AIBI Watch, Katie Dean Ring
DVF Suitcase c/o Marshalls, DVF Duffle Bag via T.J. Maxx, it Luggage Carry On Bag c/o Marshalls, Louis Vuitton Purse
I shared on Instagram a couple weeks ago that my dad and I are going to NEW ZEALAND!!! I am SO excited because my dad’s whole side of the family lives down there and I haven’t seen them in 10 years (I was in 8th grade). We’ve been talking and planning with them and I am so excited to finally experience New Zealand as an adult! The point of the trip is to spend time with family so I won’t be doing much traveling or adventuring around there, but my dad and I are planning on driving up to the Bay of Islands and I’m STOKED because it looks so incredibly beautiful.
I haven’t traveled out of the country in 10 years (the last time I visited NZ) and I’m a bit of an overpacker, so I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about packing for our trip. Luckily, my mom scored me an extra checked bag basically for free, so that’s good!
Anyways, I want to talk to you guys about this luggage I found. I was browsing Marshalls looking for something that really stood out to me, and all of a sudden, it was like a light shone down from heaven on this glorious Diane Von Furstenberg suitcase. I quickly ran over to it to see how much it was… it was 75% OFF OF RETAIL PRICE–$99!!! This was definitely the most SURPRISING item I’ve ever scored at Marshalls. As I was browsing around the store with my new luggage in hand looking for anything else I must buy, so many people stopped and said “Ooohhh that’s a pretty bag.” So of course I just had to get it.
I found the next bag at Marshalls’ sister store, T.J. Maxx. It’s also DVF and is part of the Fashion Carry-on Collection that you can find HERE (also in lavender here). I initially bought this bag thinking that I would be able to use it as my carry-on bag, and although it just barely meets the measurement requirements, I’m going to be safe and use it as a checked bag just in case. I’m totally obsessed with the color and of course had to pair my new favorite Free People tank with it. This will end up being the perfect weekender bag too!
The next bag is this amazing carry-on bag that I’m totally obsessed with! It has several pockets for storage and organization, which I’ll show you in a later post about packing and what I’m taking in my carry-on bag.
When flying, I like to bring a larger purse in addition to my carry-on so that I can fit everything I need. You never know if your luggage will get lost!
Comfort is key when traveling, but you also want to look nice and put together. My mom has always told me to never wear sweatpants on the plane and I’m sticking to that rule, no matter how comfy they may be! Jeans are always my go-to, especially if they’re stretchy! I decided to wear my new favorite ribbed tank, and threw on a long cardigan to snuggle up in on the plane since it’s always pretty cold.
As I was looking up travel style inspiration on Pinterest, I saw girls wearing heels and heeled booties, and I thought to myself, “NO WAY am I wearing heels at the airport!” Comfort is key when traveling, but you also want to look put together.
I love these white slip on sneakers for traveling because they’re comfy for walking through the airport, and also easy to slip off and back on when going through security.
Photos by Gabi Adams Photography
I’m so excited about my new luggage and can’t wait to use it on my trip! Be sure to keep an eye out for some packing posts within the next month!
xo Katie
Disclosure: I have received free products or value from Marshalls or the TJX Companies, Inc. in connection with my affiliation with Marshalls Project FAB.